«17th ADA User's Conference 2016» organized by Applied Design Analysis Corporation (ADA) (our representative in Japan) took place on the 8th of July in Tokyo.
Open Forge Meeting 2016 in China
Two representatives of QuantorForm Ltd. attended the Open Forge Meeting 2016 which was held in Zhengzhou, Henan, China in May.
NUMIFORM 2016, July 4-7 in France
This year QForm has been a sponsor of the 12th International conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes (NUMIFORM) that took place Troyes, France on July 4-7. We presented our newest development in forging, extrusion and ring rolling simulation.
Lua for QForm VX Extrusion
QForm VX 8.1.3 provides a unique opportunity for researches in the field of material science to develop new material models based on any kind of internal variables of any complexity and immediately implement them to any kind of metal forming, including extrusion processes.
New version of QForm VX has been released
New version of QForm VX 8.1.3 has been released. This version is the next step of development of QForm VX software which was presented at ET '16 conference in the USA.
QForm took part at Confederation of British Metalforming event in the UK
QForm took part at Confederation of British Metalforming event: Forging technology elements that determine final part quality and die life.
Results of the International Students Olympiad in Hot Bulk Forging Technologies 2016
The International Students Olympiad in Hot Bulk Forging Technologies was arranged by 11 Organizers in 8 countries. Students from 26 metal forming departments participated in the event on 22-23 April, 2016. We have collected all Olympiad results from International Committee members.
QForm at Confederation of British Metalforming event on 29th of July in the UK
QForm at the event: Forging technology elements that determine final part quality and die life. 29 June 2016 at Confederation of British Metalforming, UK.
The 5th annual users meeting in Germany
The 5th annual users meeting of QForm software was held in Berlin, Germany on 9-11 May. Representatives from 11 factories in Germany participated in the meeting.
17th ADA Users' Conference 2016 in Tokyo
At July 8 will take place «17th ADA Users' Conference 2016» in Tokyo. In this year our company will be represented by QuantorForm Ltd. CEO Mr. Sergey Stebunov and Business Development Manager Mr. Stanislav Kanevskiy.