QForm attended ICPNS’2019 on October 10–14, 2019 in Moscow, Russia
The 9th International Conference on Physical and Numerical Simulation of Materials Processing (ICPNS’2019) was held on October 10–14, 2019 in Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics (Higher School of Economics) in Russia. More than 100 specialists and professors of materials processing technologies from around the world took part in the event. Many of them made interesting presentations within the conference. You can find list of reports made during the event in the conference program.
Dmitrii Krivenko, QForm specialist, made a presentation «Preform shape design of hot metal forging by using QForm software and isothermal surfaces method». In addition to the report at QForm booth we had an opportunity to talk to specialists from metal forming industry and universities about numerical simulation and its use in their practice, discussed interesting issues as well as trends and future of information technologies used in metal forming industry.
Conference participants
Dmitrii Krivenko, QForm specialist, with a presentation «Preform shape design of hot metal forging by using QForm software and isothermal surfaces method»