The International Students Olympiad in Hot Bulk Forging and Extrusion Technologies 2018 was arranged in April by 21 Organizers in 16 countries. This year 115 students participated in the competition.
Results of the International Students Olympiad in Hot Bulk Forging and Extrusion Technologies 2018
Metal Forming 2018, 17th International Conference on Metal Forming on 16-19 September in Japan
Metal Forming 2018, 17th International Conference on Metal Forming will take place on 16-19 September in Toyohashi, Japan. Dr. Sergey Stebunov will present article «Prediction of the fracture in cold forging with modified Cockcroft-Latham criterion» and implementation of new QForm subroutine during the event.
QForm Extrusion Seminar took place in Moscow on 6 June
Seminar «Profile extrusion simulation. Effective solutions and latest developments» took place on 6 June during the conference. Presentations about QForm Extrusion software, its practical use experience, economic aspects of implementation and interesting case studies were made to participants of the seminar from different countries.
QForm at Global Forging Summit China 2018 on 25 May
During the event QForm representative in China Liu Hanlong (Beijing Intelligent United Innovation Technology Co., Ltd) will make a presentation «Prediction of forging defect based on QForm software».
AGH University of Science and Technology awarded QForm with a medal
We would like to thank our Polish colleagues Rudolf Kenig (Firma Uslugowa Kendin), professor Aneta Lukaszek-Solek (head of QForm training center in AGH) and Department of Metal Forming of AGH University.
QForm at the 32nd Forging Industry Technical Conference on 11-12 September 2018 in California
QForm software will participate in the 32nd Forging Industry Technical Conference (organized by Forging Industry Association) with our representative in USA Forge Technology.
ALFED Members’ Day on 5 July 2018 in West Bromwich
ALFED will therefore be holding a Members’ Event on Thursday 5 July at the National Metalforming Centre in West Bromwich, for members to introduce their companies to other ALFED members.
International Students Olympiad 2018 is about to start!
QForm Olympiad in 2018, which is about to start, will be the 4th international event for students.
QForm Extrusion Seminar. Düsseldorf. 9-11 October 2018
Seminar will be held in Düsseldorf, Germany on 9-11 October 2018 during the 12th World Trade Fair & Conference «ALUMINIUM 2018». Detailed information and seminar program will be announced soon.
QForm Extrusion Seminar. Moscow. 6 June 2018
Due to the fact of new QForm Extrusion version release and expanding of aluminium profile extrusion industry, we start seminars dedicated to application and use of profile extrusion simulation technologies. First seminar will take place in Moscow, Russia on 6 June 2018 within the 6th Conference and Exhibition «Aluminium-21/EXTRUSION».