Awarding of the 1st place winner of the International Students Olympiad in Hot Bulk Forging section 2021

Congratulations to Mr. Grzegorz Ficak from AGH University of Science and Technology (Poland) who won first place in the overall ranking! Mr. Grzegorz Ficak was awarded a certificate of the Olympiad winner and a special prize.

Winners of The International Students Olympiad in Hot bulk forging section 2021

1 Place Grzegorz Ficak AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland
2 Place Guilherme Oliveira Goulart Unisinos, Brasil
3 Place tie Varga József Viktor Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary and Melnikova Daria Moscow Aviation Institute, Russia

Winners of The International Students Olympiad in Extrusion section 2021

This year to get more participants and interest to the Extrusion section of Olympiad 2021 we decided to split the common competition to several nominations:
1) Overall Winners
2) The best reports between students
3) The best reports between specialists (PhD students and young scientists)

Overview of the conference Al XXI/Extrusion and Extrusion Tooling

On June 3-4, 2021 in Moscow Russian Aluminium Extruders Alliance (RAEA) held the first post-covid event: Technical Seminars - Al-XXI/Extrusion and Extrusion Tooling.

QForm Online Academy. Webinars «Effective geometry preparation for metal forming simulation» took place on February 11 and March 2, 2021

During the webinar, the presenter explained the issues of importing geometry from CAD systems into the QForm. In most cases it is sufficient to use the automatic import and geometry meshing. If an automatic import is difficult, then the geometry can be diagnosed for errors and corrected in the QShape module or CAD system.

Awarding of the 1st place winner of the International Students Olympiad in Hot Bulk Forging and Extrusion Technologies 2020

Congratulations to Mr. Kálmán Solti from Budapest University of Technology and Economics (Hungary) and Mr. Ivan Kulakov, from Bauman MSTU (Russia), who won the first place in the overall ranking! Mr. Kálmán Solti and Mr. Ivan Kulakov were awarded with a certificate of the Olympiad winner and a special prize – powerful personal computer.

Welcome to QForm Summer School. Moscow. August 2021

We are glad to invite everybody who is interested in virtual manufacturing and simulation of metal forming processes to participate in summer school which will take place on August, 2021 in Moscow, Russia.

QForm Extrusion Webinar in collaboration with AEC. 9th September, 2020

Quality control of extruded profiles: possible defects and methods of their prediction and elimination. The webinar is dedicated to control and enhancement of quality of the extruded profiles using the simulation as an optimization tool. It includes balancing of the material flow to get a straight profile after the bearings, control of a profile shape and dimensions that may vary even within extrusion of one billet depending on deformation of a die set and cooling conditions.

Winners of The International Students Olympiad in Hot bulk forging section 2020
QForm tube production and flat sheet rolling webinar. July 29, 2020

This webinar is intended for practicing engineers working in the field of tubes production with cross-roll piercing process as well as flat and cross rolling. Experts in metal forming simulation and industrial specialists will present recent development of QForm software and its practical implementation for improving technical and economic efficiency of modern production.

